Winter is Here!

A New Hampshire USA Beekeeping Club that meets monthly to cultivate the advancement and survival of the Honeybee.

Pawtuckaway Beekeepers will be hosting hybrid Meetings in 2024 for current members, please join us at the Church in Deerfield NH or via ZOOM. Pre-meeting Social @ 630PM, Meeting starts @ 7PM. Please see the emailed Member Newsletter as meetings may be updated or canceled.

Not a member? See below for how to join our club and get involved!

In Person meetings @ Deerfield Community Church (15 Church St. Deerfield, NH 03037).  There is plenty of parking at the church.  Enter the building at the front.

Winter Management:

  • Have you checked on your hives?
  • How are you monitoring your hives?
  • Do they have enough food to get through the Winter?

PBA Membership (Due Jan. 1st of every Yr):

  • We have Electronic Payment options for Memberships!
  • New & Renewal memberships can be completed from the “Memberships” Page!
  • We have a NEW Members ONLY section that gives you access to past club speakers and series we have done, so you can go back and review valuable information.