January 20th – Club meeting via Zoom only @ 7 PM. Details in January Newsletter.
Grai St Clair Rice
Comb and Nest Architecture: A look at how honeybees construct comb, using unique for the physiology. It is both an act of community building and a feat of precise, structural integrity that is invaluable for beekeepers to comprehend. Knowing how honeybees transform crystallized beeswax into the dynamic skeletal structure of this Super-organism is intriguing, and understanding how contemporary beekeeping can both help and hinder has the capacity to transform simple habits into complex appreciation.
February 17th – Club meeting @ Deerfield Community Church. Social @ 6:30/Meeting at @ 7 PM (available via Zoom)
Bill Hesbach, EAS Master Beekeeper: Graduate of the University of Montana’s master beekeeping program and President of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association.
Pollen: The miraculous germ cell of plants and the primary protein nutrient for bees, is the fertility key to every flowering plant and tree in the world. In this talk, we discuss how bees transfer pollen during pollination and how it’s digested as a protein source. Illustrated by striking photos, it’s a visual journey that will inform participants in ways that increase the joy of observing pollen on native plants, on the hind legs of bees, and stored as bee bread in cells.
March 17th – Club meeting @ Deerfield Community Church. Social @ 6:30/Meeting at @ 7 PM (available via Zoom)
Michelle Flenniken, PhD, Associate Professor in the Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology Department at Montana State University.
The impact of viruses on honeybee health at the colony, individual bees and cellular levels: This talk will include information on the most common honey bee infecting viruses and the relationship between Varroa destructor mites and viruses.
April – Tentative Split Workshop (date & time TBD). Will be in-person only.
Working to coordinate a workshop where we will split an active hive. Location TBD.
May 19 – Club meeting @ Deerfield Community Church. Social @ 6:30/Meeting at @ 7 PM (available via Zoom)
Dorinda Priebe, PBA Club member, EAS Certified Master Beekeeper & Consultant to the NH Agricutlure Department
European Foul Brood and Me: A Real Hive Situation: Every Beekeeper remembers (or will someday) the feeling of discovering a brood malady in their bee colony. Join Dorinda on a journey of detection, diagnosis and deterring of Melissococcus plutonius. Gain confidence in understanding European Foulbrood (EFB) and considering options for a management approach to EFB’s control.
June 14 – PBA Summer Picnic & Hive Dive @ Raymond, NH
Dave Priebe, NH State Apiary Inspector, EAS Certified Master Beekeeper & PBA Club Member
Dave Priebe, NH State Apiary Inspector & PBA Club member will inspect a hive and demonstrate the hive inspection methodology he uses when evaluating for diseases or brood maladies. He’ll also walk us through his Apiary Inspection Kit and explain the items he carries and their purpose.
Tom Farrand, Club VP will provide his famous smoked ribs, the Club will provide other grilled items and members are invited to bring salads, sides, desserts and drinks. A good time will be had by all…there might even be a raffle!
July 21 – Club meeting @ Deerfield Community Church. Social @ 6:30/Meeting at @ 7 PM – in-person only
Honey Extraction Workshop & Ice Cream Social. Mmm, honey & ice cream!